Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Analysis of Different Types of Leaders †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Analysis of Different Types of Leaders. Answer: Introduction The three types of leaders who will be analysed in this essay are, the CEO of a multi-national company, a prison officer and a supervisor on a construction site. Firstly, the essay will evaluate the paternalistic leadership style that is followed by the CEO of a multinational company. Secondly, the essay will evaluate the directive leadership style that is followed by a prison officer. Thirdly, the essay will evaluate the participative leadership style that is followed by the supervisor on the construction site (Arnold et al., 2015). The major intention of this paragraph is to analyse the leadership style that is followed by the CEO of a multinational company. The paternalistic style of leadership is common among the CEOs of the modern global organizations. The main aim of the CEO of an organization is to create a workforce which shows high performance. This has become increasingly important in all the multinational organizations so that the leaders can successfully inspire the members of the organization. This style of leadership is followed in the upper levels of the organization which include the teams, the divisions, the departments and the organizations as a whole. These types of leaders are dominant in nature and act as a matriarch or patriarch towards the employees. The leaders depicting this style of leadership are dominant and parental in nature (DuBois et al., 2015). As discussed by, Holten and Brenner, (2015), the dominance of the CEOs is not always sufficient for the leaders to motivate the members of the organization. The successful paternalistic leader mainly thinks about the big picture and tries to consider the various decisions that can affect the organization or his family. The education and social skills are valued by these leaders and sometimes they can even go out of the way to help the employees and provide them with opportunities for the improvement of their interpersonal skills and the business. The leaders encourage the followers to be creative and innovative in nature so that new ideas can be created. The paternalistic leaders do not criticize the leaders on a public platform. According to, Keskes, (2014), they are much more focussed towards solving the issue rather than blaming the person who has committed the mistake. The leaders in this case try to influence the employees by their own behaviour. The leaders or the CEOs act as a role model for the employees in the organization. The employees are easily able to trust these leaders and respect them as their parents. The leaders in this case use their power to influence the members of the organization to achieve the goals. The CEO of the organization will act as a parent to the employees and reward them for their innovation and creativity. This will further motivate the employees to improve their productivity and in turn increase the revenues of the company. This type of leadership is suitable for the global organizations as they need to operate in different countries with diverse group of employees (McCleskey, 2014). The intention of this paragraph is to analyse the directive leadership style that is depicted by a prison officer. Directive leadership style is same as the autocratic style of leadership, where the subordinates are provided with instructions by the leaders regarding their work process. The projects, ideas and the tasks are initiated by the leader and the subordinates are provided the responsibility to complete the given tasks. The deadlines related to these tasks and the specific standards are also provided by the leaders. The rules that are exercised by these leaders are quite firm in nature and the subordinates need to work within the boundaries that are provided by the leaders. The directive style of leadership is mainly followed by the leaders of traditional organizations where the subordinates respect the seniority of the leaders (Nanjundeswaraswamy Swamy, 2014). The prison officer needs to follow this style of leadership so that they can lead the prisoners and provide them wi th the appropriate instructions. As discussed by, Saeed et al., (2014), the leaders in this case need to bed strict regarding their ways of operations and the suggestions of the subordinates are not considered in this case. The prisoners need to strictly follow the rules and the regulations that are formulated by the leaders or the prison officers. The leaders are able to get the jobs done quickly with the help of directive leadership style. The officers except immediate compliance from the prisoners as soon as the instructions are provided to them. This leadership style is common in a situation where the prison officer needs to instruct the prisoners regarding the various jobs that need to be performed. The subordinates in this case are not eligible to give any excuse to the leaders regarding the tasks that they need to perform. This style is the best possible way to handle the prisoners in an effective manner. This paragraph intends to evaluate the participative leadership style that is followed by the supervisor of a construction site. This style of leadership mainly invites the inputs from the employees related to the decisions that are to be taken by the management. The staff of the organization are provided with enough information about the various issues and the decision-making process of the organization. The process of decision-making in the participative style sometimes becomes slow as the inputs need to be collected from the employees before the final decision is taken. The staff in this case accept the decisions and policies that are formulated by the management quite easily as they are consulted before the decisions are taken (Saleem, 2015). The resistance that is provided by the employees towards the decisions taken by the management is quite less in this case. The employees have a personal stake regarding the success of the new policies that are formulated by the management. T he morale of the employees is also quite high which is a result of the voice that they are provided in the organizational policies. The supervisor at a construction site needs to work in a participative manner with the employees. According to, Sethuraman and Suresh, (2014), the decisions related to the various operations that are taking place in the site need to be taken based on the inputs that are provided by the employees or the subordinates. The employees in this case have to play a significant role in the decisions that are taken by the supervisors. The work conditions will also be improved with the help of the employees. The operations in the construction site need to be performed by the employees and the supervisor in a collaborative manner. The employees in the construction site can perform their duties in a collaborative and active manner with the help of a participative leader. This will help in improving the retention policies of the employees. The supervisors therefore n eed to participate in the various work processes in the site rather than providing them with strict instructions (Skogstad et al., 2015). This will help the employees in performing their tasks in an effective manner and further increasing the productivity of the organization. In addition, as discussed by, Strom, Sears and Kelly, (2014), the leadership styles that are followed are different for different types of organizations. The leadership style followed in an organization depends on the culture and types of operations. The style of leadership is based on the needs of the employees in the various organizations. The leader needs to follow the leadership style which can help them to get the jobs done by the employees. The wrong style of leadership can further affect the profitability and the revenues of the organizations. The directive style of leadership is necessary to be followed in an organization like a prison. In these organizations the leaders need to be strict enough to compel the employees to complete their jobs. On the other hand, the paternalistic style of leadership is the best style to be followed in global or multinational organizations as the leaders in this case need to be inspirational and encouraging in nature so that the best performanc e of the employees can be derived which can further increase the profitability of the organizations. The participative style of leadership is the best to follow in the areas like construction sites as the leaders in this case need to collaborate with the employees and take decisions according to their inputs (Yahaya Ebrahim, 2016). The leadership style is therefore totally dependent on the employees of that organization and the ways by which react to the instructions that are provided by leaders. Conclusion The essay can be concluded by stating that the leadership style followed in an organization affects the operations of the organization and its profitability in the industry. The leaders play a significant in motivating the employees and further increasing the revenues of the organization as well. The organizations in different fields are therefore related to the various types of leaderships that are followed by the supervisors, CEOs or the prison officers as well. References Arnold, K. A., Connelly, C. E., Walsh, M. M., Martin Ginis, K. A. (2015). Leadership styles, emotion regulation, and burnout.Journal of Occupational Health Psychology,20(4), 481. DuBois, M., Hanlon, J., Koch, J., Nyatuga, B., Kerr, N. (2015). Leadership styles of effective project managers: Techniques and traits to lead high performance teams.Journal of Economic Development, Management, IT, Finance, and Marketing,7(1), 30. Holten, A. L., Brenner, S. O. (2015). Leadership style and the process of organizational change.Leadership Organization Development Journal,36(1), 2-16. Keskes, I. (2014). 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