Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Technology Is Growing Faster Than Many Of Us Realize With

Technology is growing faster than many of us realize with cyberspace becoming the new norm and corporations relying on new and advanced forms of artificial intelligence. Many of us are, however, unaware of how fast technology is evolving because of our constant worry about our classes and exams. It is very important that the next generation is aware of the advancement as it has the potential to create great changes and alterations in our everyday lives. New forms of technology pose an enormous threat to what types of jobs we may acquire and how we may live our lives. It is very important that all college students become aware that artificial intelligence and biological enhancements are no longer science fiction and are going to impact†¦show more content†¦Turkle expands on this when explaining how â€Å"children show an increased capacity for empathy† when â€Å"looking at photographs or videos of people’s faces† (Turkle 11). If face to face conversa tions are kept, our empathy and compassion for people will thrive. These are things that artificial intelligence can replace. Companies will need people with skills in these areas and will be more open to hire someone with this expertise despite the growing use of artificial intelligence. Customers will also still want to deal with a person who will generally care about them. Computers will never have this capability, therefore humans with this attribute will seem favorable. If you are aware of how fast computerized technology is growing and what you can do to compete, getting a good job will still be possible. Along with artificial intelligence, biological enhancements have also become a major part of our future. Scientists have begun using stem cell research and DNA manipulation to create more biologically advanced humans with enhanced capabilities. Some of these capabilities include not needing as much sleep, being able to live longer, and not aging as fast. All these ne w opportunities created by biological enhancements seem as though they will make life easier and will create a more advanced human race. However, it is imperative that students understand the effects these enhancements will generate. Studies have shown that this new form of technologyShow MoreRelatedTechnology on the Rise1121 Words   |  5 PagesTechnology has been growing throughout the years; ever changing and evolving in all new ways. It has come natural to us by now, to use technology on anything and everything. We use technology for even the littlest things, such as looking up a recipe for a meal, or the name of an actor. It seems to be that the more technology develops, the more addicted and the more dependent we become. 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