Sunday, April 19, 2020

LINQ. Language Integrated Query in C # 2008 for professionals Review Essay Example

LINQ. Language Integrated Query in C # 2008 for professionals Review Paper Essay on LINQ. Language Integrated Query in C # 2008 for professionals New technologies, like a magnet attracts the attention of a large number of developers. We love to learn something new, so in conversation with colleagues inserted a new buzzword, before the others to explore the ins and outs of a particular technology or increase their value in the labor market. But in addition to the developers, the new technologies draw and authors who want to become famous or trite to make money on this very new technology. is not an exception to this rule and the new Microsoft technology called Language Integrated Query (LINQ) designed to solve many of the data access problem arising from the developer in his daily activities. And due to the great attention to this technology by the developers, the first book on the LINQ, translated into Russian, will also be extremely popular. In this regard, I would like to know whether it is worth your time and money. To begin with I would like to mention the fact that the author himself for a long time wanted to write any book, but he could not choose to this relevant topic. Either it is too little versed in the subject, or it has already been written is sufficient and there was no point in the emergence of yet another book on the subject. And in 2005, after learning about the work on the new Microsoft technology Rattts Joseph came to the conclusion that this is exactly what you need. And it is not terrible, it was not about the technology have a clue, the main thing about it also did not know and no one else. So, the choice fell on LINQ and after 17 months of fruitful work in November of 2007 in conjunction with the official release of Visual Studio 2008 (and with it, and LINQ technology) published a book was published with the straightforward title Pro LINQ Language Integrated Query In C # 2008 . We will write a custom essay sample on LINQ. Language Integrated Query in C # 2008 for professionals Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on LINQ. Language Integrated Query in C # 2008 for professionals Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on LINQ. Language Integrated Query in C # 2008 for professionals Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The book consists of 5 parts. In the first part the author considers the innovation C # 3.0, LINQ, without which existence would be impossible. This topic has been beaten enough, she paid a lot of attention from various sources, so to say about this part can not be anything, either good or bad. Part 2 of the book is devoted entirely to LINQ to Objects. In addition to a lengthy discourse on the subject of access to data, admiration new features and an overview of Query Expressions, the main share of this is accounted for by the description of extension methods. And the author has set a goal to describe each overloaded version of each method, and even if the methods are practically no different from each other, still they dedicated a separate section with a brief description and examples of use. Examples it is a different story. So that they are self-contained, each sample consists of three parts: obtaining test data (lines 5-6), a request (line 1-2), the results of (1 page). Add it all together, we get over a hundred pages of text, with a contrived example, unfunny jokes the author and the lack of a full picture in the mind of the reader. This hundred pages, you can easily replace a normal article of LINQ to Objects and Microsoft certificate. In addition, in the text there and frank bloopers. For example, the author points out in one of his notes, that OrderBy operation is unstable (all unstable), while ThenBy operation is stable (stable), although official documentation Microsoft adheres to a somewhat different opinion (both operations are stable). But more interesting is not the fact of bringing the wrong advice, but what I have found on the Microsoft discussion, in which a certain Joseph Rattts discusses the stability / instability of operation OrderBy with one of Microsoft employees. And as part of this discussion, it is given a clear answer to what OrderBy operation is stable and why the behavior of this operation is as follows. This discussion is dated May 2007, but apparently, the timing pressured not only software developers, but also the authors of the books, so Joseph Rattts did not have time to fix this annoying blunders to leave the book in November 2007. We now turn to part 3 of LINQ to XML. This section is written in the same style as the previous one: a bit of theory, the admiration of the new technology, a bit of humor (not always applicable) and a detailed description of the API functions with application examples. Examples, again, far-fetched and do not try to develop a theme as a whole, but only show the use of a single function in a very limited context. Chapter 8 does not contain any new information, but essentially duplicate the description of the functions of the previous chapter. The fourth part of the book LINQ to DataSet like the most common use of Copy-Paste code type of writing templates. For example, the description of functions Distinct, Except, Intersect, Union and SequenceEqual take 10! pages, with many paragraphs are different from each other only word (name of the method). The largest part of the book is part of the 5 on LINQ to SQL. And this is not surprising, because in the description of this technology, you need to explain the object-relational mapping, the role of essential classes, that is the DataContext, schemes and attributes, concurrency issues, and more. The author examines all these issues, but it does somehow crumpled and somewhat messy. It begins to explain one thing affects another, while postponing a detailed description of the problem concerned later. In this part, I especially liked the chapter devoted to the attributes. The author cites the example of code that uses three attributes and only 7 properties. Then on 14 pages is a description of all attributes with all properties, without a single example. And if some of the attributes and properties are intuitive, many require additional explanations, which, unfortunately, is not observed. And when the author at the end of the chapter, the summary says that he wishes the reader to the fact that he became an expert in the field of object-relational mapping, it does not cause anything but a smile. So what follows from this output? Not buy this book or not? If a company has your department periodically provide funds for replenishment of the corporate library and all the books on interesting technologies you already bought, we can stop the choice on this book. And even if you and your colleagues it is not useful, it would look great in a bookcase next to the other books in this series. But if we are talking about personal library then I would advise to refrain from such acquisition. Yet the book does not justify the money spent, and personal time.

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