Thursday, February 27, 2020

ADULT DEV SLP2 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ADULT DEV SLP2 - Research Paper Example Thus when an individual turns into an adult he should not be taught, guided and directed as children. Secondly, when an individual enters into adulthood, they have captured huge amount of experience and information and this experience is of high value to them as this experience shapes their beliefs, norms and values. If teachers underestimate the experience of adult learners and start teaching them through their own experience like they teach children, adults tend to question what the teachers are teaching because their experiences might be different from what the teachers and the course material is informing them. As an individual enters the ages of adulthood, his/her demand for knowledge increases and his/her readiness to learn more even increases (Merriam, 1989). During childhood, individuals do not tend to care much about education and whatever they learn is more targeted towards completing a particular course and earning high grades in them. On the other hand an adult learns so he can practice what he has learned, thus they want to learn more so they can apply more and become successful in their jobs. Since adults are working and have jobs, they give more importance to the practical side of knowledge they are gaining from educational institutes. An adults learning is more task oriented than just for the purpose of gaining knowledge (Rubenson, 2011). This is why when educators teach theory to adults without informing them about the application of that theory, adults find that piece of information irrelevant and tend to ignore its importance. On the other hand if educators teach concepts wi th practical application to adults, adults will learn better and absorb more information. During adulthood, students prefer not to waste time as their social roles increase. Their social role may include role of father, son, employee, friend, student and husband. Thus, adult students have to devote their time and effort to all their

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Old Turtle Story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Old Turtle Story - Essay Example Thus, it is vital for humans to handle nature with most peculiar care and respect. Moreover, presence of ancestors and voices of natural entities proclaim the need to preserve them for human survival and future generations. Thus, a supernatural force has always been needed for humans to guide them of their wrong actions. ‘Old Turtle’ by Douglas Wood is a tale which revolves around many themes. However, the most notable of those are two, which declare that the presence of God can be seen and felt in his creation and natural life of Earth has been a power and sign of God’s presence. Since, the inception humans argued about the presence of God and that created a chaos and discord on Earth. Therefore, the author eventually signifies through animals, rock, mountain, river and breeze (every God created entity) that God is present and need not to be seen but felt and believed in. Existence of God, spirits, and life on Earth is closely intertwined and that was the core religious ideas for the preliminary habitants of Earth. According to Ake HultKrantz, due to geographical location Native American tribes mainly believed in spirits, shamanism, hunting and animal rituals as both cultural and religious practices (12). Same can be observed in ‘The old turtle’ when different animals associated God’s presence in the excellence of their personal trait. In the tale, animals and natural entities like breeze and rocks have voices so to speak of their presence and significance. Thus, wise turtle sums up how to consider mightiness of God at the supreme level of each and every trait of all the species of Earth (Wood). Simultaneously, Native American life style was closely associated to nature (popular perceptions like mother Earth) thus, hunting and belief in spirits were considered religious trait and due to tribal life style differences in religious norms appeared as none of the tribes